As the mattress industry continues to move towards all foam mattress construction and roll packing for convenient shipping, clients are looking for ways to apply, assemble, and pack their products faster.
Other adhesive manufacturers have responded to client demand by partnering with machine manufacturers to introduce an expensive infrared (IR) drying system to the production line. The expectation is that clients will invest in a very large, time and energy consuming piece of equipment, under the assumption that it’s the only way to roll pack immediately. They will offer adhesives at great cost to the client – higher price (per - gallon, kg, or lb), higher coat weights to achieve an acceptable bond and the need to feed the parts through an IR heat tunnel that consumes vast amounts of energy.
Why is this their approach? Simple – they don’t offer a high tack, super-fast drying water based adhesive like Simalfa. As a result their only option is to convince the client that IR is the only solution – which is false.
At Simalfa, we have taken a different, more customer friendly approach. Rather than expecting the client to make a huge investment in unnecessary equipment, we have addressed it through chemistry.
The Simalfa team has developed a line of extremely high tack and fast drying roll able adhesives that allow for IMMEDIATE roll packing, without the use of any kind of drying equipment. By investing in our own research and development, we are able to save our clients a tremendous amount of time, money, and effort. In the end we can meet all of your requirements – fast drying for immediate roll packing, low cost, high quality bond, and simplicity for production staff.
If you are insistent on using an IR system, we do have several IR products.
Obviously Not!
Regardless of the manufacturer of your roll coat equipment, Simalfa has an adhesive that can meet your needs.
Please contact us if you would like one of our technicians to survey your equipment to determine how Simalfa can help you produce your mattresses at maximum speed for minimal cost.