simalfa Adhesivos de Colchones

Adhesivos de Colchones

Simalfa is specifically designed for the bedding industry and no product does it better. Whether you're making Pillow Tops, Foam Encased mattresses, 100% Foam mattresses or Medical mattresses, chances are, we've seen it and DONE it almost as much as you have.

So if you use words like tape edging, blind stitching, and hog ringing, we speak your language. Simalfa is an environmental product that is a safe, non-hazardous alternative for your employees. It increases profitability by offering faster production speeds. It offers a high quality final bond for your customers. You can bond your pillow top panels and then tape edge instantly. Build foam encased mattresses complete! Laminate foam core (PU, latex & visco) mattresses with speed. With SIMALFA you can pick it up and move it right away. No waiting!

No other adhesive does bedding like SIMALFA!

simalfa adhesives water based

Envío Rápido

Disponemos de todo lo que necesita para el sistema Simalfa completo, incluidas pistolas pulverizadoras, accesorios y componentes del sistema. ¡Enviamos directamente a Centroamérica!

simalfa adhesives water based

Excelente Servicio

Nuestro enfoque es servir a nuestros clientes administrando nuestro negocio de manera proactiva, no reactiva. Entendemos los muchos problemas con los que se enfrentan nuestros clientes a diario mientras administran sus propios negocios, por lo que al anticiparnos a sus necesidades podemos ayudar a prevenir situaciones estresantes, como quedarse sin adhesivo.
