Getting Started Additional Help

Common Questions

How fast can I get my order?

Immediately! We have no lead times, your order can ship the same day it's placed with us.


How fast can I get my order?

Immediately! We have no lead times, your order can ship the same day it's placed with us.


How is my order shipped?

Trial systems are typically shipped via UPS or FedEx. You can select your preferred method (ground, 2nd Day, Next Day). For orders of greater weights, we use LTL freight carriers.


How do I pay for my order?

Initial orders are typically paid via credit card (Visa or MasterCard). Although credit is also available.


Do I need to purchase a spray gun with each order?

NO! The spray gun and hose are reusable over and over.


Can I use any type of spray gun?

NO! SIMALFA requires a spray gun with stainless steel fluid passageways and a setup (nozzle, needle & air cap) that meets the requirements of the particular Simalfa product you're using. If you already have a spray gun, let us help you to determine if its suitable for use with Simalfa. If you need to purchase a spray gun we can supply it. For more information visit: Spray Gun


I want to build a stand for installation, what are the dimensions of the 20kg/5-Gallon container and what height should it be placed off the floor?

The container dimensions are as follows: Height: 30.5cm/12"; Width: 31cm/12.25"; and Depth: 31cm/12.25". If using a standard setup, the container should be elevated off the floor 10'. If restrictions relating to ceiling height or process exist, we can custom design the setup to accommodate your needs. Let us help you...



What do I do with the system at the end of the day?

Nothing! You can simply place the spray gun down and pick up right where you left off the next day.


What should I do with the empty container?

If the container is empty, you can simply discard. However, we prefer that you always recycle the cardboard.


I currently use a solvent based adhesive and receive additional freight charges relating to Hazmat. Will I have similar charges?

NO! Simalfa is not regulated by the DOT.